| 1. | His resurrection frightened us 他的复活吓坏了我们。 |
| 2. | The death of jesus and his resurrection is the substance of the good news 耶稣的死亡和复活永远是福传的中心课题。 |
| 3. | His resurrection brought questions to people about life ad about god 在人类历史上,耶稣的复活为人带来人生的改变与震撼。 |
| 4. | We may ask : has jesus not foretold them more than once about his resurrection 我们或会问:耶稣不是多次预言了?的复活吗? |
| 5. | After his resurrection , jesus could be seen and touched ( john 21 : 27 ) 复活后,耶稣能被人看见,被人摸着(约翰福音21 : 27 ) 。 |
| 6. | Only since his resurrection to everlasting life has this become possible for us 只有自他复活得永生之后,对我们才可能有希望。 |
| 7. | They are all the more credible because none of them were expecting his resurrection 他们全部都是可信的,因为当时他们当中没人想到他会复活。 |
| 8. | Christ spoke a few further words commending those who had accepted the fact of his resurrection by faith 基督继而称赞那些凭信心相信他复活的人。 |
| 9. | Psalm 22 not only predicted the crucifixion of christ but also his resurrection in v 22 诗篇第22章不仅预言了基督被钉十字架,而且也预言了他的复活。 |
| 10. | Jesus christ , in his life , in his death , and in his resurrection , was faithful to god , the father 圣灵的果子就是,仁爱喜乐和平忍耐恩慈良善温柔信实节制。 |